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Since March 2019, CRR’s relief aid has extended to the island of Samos. We are concerned about the current situation regarding the relief work on this Greek island. The aid organizations are not allowed in the official camp and therefore the relief work is organized outside of the camp, in several buildings in the city of Vahti.


Samos is the largest North Aegean island after Lesbos and Chios. White sandy beaches, quaint villages and picturesque and cozy fishing harbors characterize this Greek island. It has beautiful nature, a mild climate, is of archaeological importance to Greece and is a tourist attraction.


Camp Samos

The current refugee camp on Samos is intended for approximately 700 people. Here too, however, thousands of people live outside the 'official' camp in a large jungle of tents. The living conditions are very bad. A new larger camp is expected to put in to use in 2021.

CRR helps several local relief organizations on Samos. We maintain good contacts with them to organize and fill the right aid transport to this island. Volunteer group trips to Samos are planned in combination with a CRR aid transport. During the mission we unload the truck and help the local organisations in their refugee work.

Planned missions to Samos

Planned trips:


Post & visit address

Veenweideweg 19C
2957 LD Nieuw-Lekkerland

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Stichting Christian Refugeerelief has been granted ANBI status. Account number: NL74 RABO 0306633183  i.n.o.. Christian Refugee Relief

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