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Refugee Relief

The ‘refugee problem’ seems to big and complicated to solve. More then once governments and political parties will strand in political joust. “But what CAN we do for them?” Christian Refugee Relief Foundation (CRR) provides practical answers to this question. Not by looking at the problem or the system, but by looking at the person who is the victim of it. And guess what? Lending a helping hand to another person is possible in many ways! Moreover, a great Christian mission. Let’s help together! 


CRR organizes group trips with volunteers (missions) to the Greek islands. During these missions you help refugees inside or outside the refugee camps. The work can be distributing food or clothing, building tents or organizing social activities. 


In the crowded camps, there is a structural shortage of almost everything. CRR therefore sends aid transports to the refugee camps every month. Clothing and hygiene products are collected all over the Netherlands via a network of collection points and sorted, packed and labeled in the CRR storage in Nieuw-Lekkerland. In this way the relief supplies can be distributed immediately upon arrival of the aid transport. CRR works closely with local foundations and organizations in Greece to ensure that the right goods are sent to and distributed in the camps.

By maintaining good contacts with our (local) partners, we know what is going on and what is needed. Special projects are regularly planned and organized based on this shared information. An example of this is the 'Safe place for women' project, which created a safer place for women to live in the refugee camp Moria on Lesvos.


Will you help us?
But now a personal question for you: What can you do? Because in many ways you can lend CRR a helping hand helping refugees! Just read the information below and join us!

For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink

Matthew 25:35

Lesbos Eurorelief kids.jpg

Annual reports

Post & visit address

Veenweideweg 19C
2957 LD Nieuw-Lekkerland

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Stichting Christian Refugeerelief has been granted ANBI status. Account number: NL74 RABO 0306633183  i.n.o.. Christian Refugee Relief

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